63 Ways to Celebrate International Self Care Day

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Self-care is more than just bubble baths and massages. It’s also about practicing consistent, daily routines that support physical, mental, and emotional health.

July 24 is International Self-Care Day. And to celebrate I’m offer up 63 suggestions on how you can practice a little self-care.

Start with just one and notice:

  • How you feel when you think about it
  • How you feel when you’re doing it
  • How you feel after you’ve done it


Awareness is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Here are some ways to practice self-care

  1. Practice mindfulness
  2. Visualize your future
  3. Set a goal
  4. Meditate
  5. Read a book
  6. Listen to your favorite song
  7. 30 second dance party
  8. Sing
  9. Tap out a rhythm on a table
  10. Spend time in nature
  11. Rest when you’re tired
  12. Drink plenty of water
  13. Eat a healthy meal
  14. Limit caffeine
  15. Schedule time for yourself
  16. Take some deep breaths
  17. Say something nice to someone
  18. Name 5 things you can see
  19. Walk barefoot and notice your feet
  20. Draw or color
  21. Make an art project
  22. Throw out an item that is broken
  23. Give away something you don’t need
  24. Organize an area in your home
  25. Watch the sun rise
  26. Watch the sun set
  27. Take a walk
  28. Call a friend
  29. Help a stranger
  30. Move your body
  31. Exercise
  32. Learn something new
  33. Say something nice to yourself
  34. Notice 4 things you can feel
  35. Smile at a stranger
  36. Smell a flower
  37. Notice 1 thing you can taste
  38. Play with a child
  39. Put yourself first
  40. Do something that scares you
  41. Take a class
  42. Learn a new skill
  43. Listen to a podcast
  44. Review your budget
  45. Make your bed
  46. Ask for help
  47. Say no when you want to
  48. Take yourself on a date
  49. Spend time in or near water
  50. Notice 2 things you can smell
  51. Give away clothes that don’t fit
  52. Notice 3 things you can hear
  53. Take breaks throughout your day
  54. Name something you are grateful for
  55. Name one positive thing that happened today
  56. Name one thing you are looking forward to
  57. Schedule a vacation
  58. Change one routine
  59. Stretch
  60. Set a boundary
  61. Put yourself on your calendar
  62. Light a candle
  63. Dance in the rain
What other acts of self-care could you add to this list?



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