7 Signs Your Mother May Be a Narcissist

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Narcissism is getting a lot of media attention lately. But mostly related to intimate partner dynamics.

My specialty is working with adult children of narcissistic mothers. While I cannot diagnose someone with narcissism who is not my client, I help my client focus on how they perceive their experiences.

There are many common experiences adult children of narcissists report. Here are just 7 of them:

  1. Your mother acts jealous of and competitive with you.
  2. Your mother often reacts to news by talking about how it will affect her rather than asking how it affects you.
  3. Rather than take responsibility for her feelings or actions, she often blames you.
  4. Your mother often acts like the world does or should revolve around her.
  5. You have repeatedly felt unloved, criticized, manipulated, unaccepted, and/or rejected by your mother.
  6. Your mother is controlling and acts like a victim or martyr.
  7. Your mother often acts differently (i.e. phony) around others.

If you experienced any of the above, it could mean you were raised by a mother with narcissistic traits. And it is possible to heal from the effects of your childhood.

If you are looking for support in your recovery, feel free to book a consult with me to discuss how individual or group therapy might help.

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